
Recruitment Procedure

The application goes through various stages of inspection

Minawa Recruitment HR Pvt Ltd always committed to employing the right person via the right procedure ethically. Our recruitment policy will help you ensure that the vision, objective and core values of the company are also given importance by the candidate that you will be hiring.

It is essential for applicants to not only have deliverable and competencies that are related to the work that you will assign them to. It is also of utmost importance that their values are aligned with that of the company’s. Our well qualified and experienced consultants and experts are assigned for the thorough inspection of the application at various stages making the process reliable.

Legal Document 


Minawa Recruitment HR will receive set of Legal Document (Demand Letter, Agreement letter, etc.) from the Company. Legal documents will be forwarded to the Ministry of the Labour Department for the first / pre-approved by Minawa Recruitment.

Advertisement in Newspaper 


Upon the receipt of the pre-approval, advertisement will be put in newspaper for sourcing out the candidates as per company requirement. The permission allows the recruitment company to advertise the demand in local and national newspaper and also allows starting the recruitment process.

Selection of Candidate

Minawa Recruitment HR maintain the data of all the candidate and for the right job/work the potential candidate with full information on his/her skill, trade qualification and experience allow to apply.

Selection by Employer or through his Authorized Representative: By this routine, the Employer or is authorized representative may conduct personal interview here in company's office and finally select the most competent workers from our manpower reserve.

Final Selection by Clients

Once candidates have been selected for the final interviews. Final interview may carry thorough skype, viber or face to face directly by representive of company. Once the final interview are over the company provide names of successful candidates that may be relayed to us via phone or email or throughout interview.

Medical Check-up

Once the successful candidates are announced, the candidates will be send to an authorized hospital or medical center. Only fit candidate will be proceed further for visa and employment contract.

Visa Processing

After medical check and the document of fit candidate will be forward to Concern Company for the visa process.

Upon the receipt of visa, process for insurance, orientation of candidate and submit in ministry of labour department along with the visa for the final approval.

Travel Arrangement

After receiving the final approval from ministry of labour department, the candidate will be ready to move in company. Minawa will arrange the ticket for candidate to flight from Nepal to the nearest airport of the working side.


Prior to the departure of workers the orientation briefing is organized to make all workers fully aware of the employment company, country’s laws and orders, labour laws immigration policy and maintain understanding and cordiality them self and aim of the particular activity of the individual.

The Orientation take special care in briefing them to strictly abide by the guide line in the field of their employment and direct them to maintain good circumstance and motivate them to their duties/responsibilities.